Saturday, June 7, 2014

Vaccines and Microbiological Testing: Modern Medical Miracles

Vaccines are injected cocktails of live or dead pathogens administered into the bloodstream in order in improve the immune system and guard against harmful or fatal diseases. But they can include some offsetting, and in some cases even serious, side effects. There’s a lot of controversy associated with vaccines today. But current vaccine testing procedures help offset many of the past issues associated with the absorption of viral cultures.

Types of Vaccines
There are several types of vaccines, but the main three categories are live, inactivated, and toxoid.

Attenuated (live) vaccines contain part of the weakened but still living disease-causing pathogen. The result is typically strong bodily responses resulting in lifelong immunity to the disease after one or two shots. Not everyone can accept live vaccines due to low immune issues. Live cultures must be refrigerated in order to be controlled. Pharmaceutical microbiology is enlisted to guard against further viral reproduction and bacterial development. Even then, some people may still develop the disease the vaccine is intended to defeat.

Inactivated vaccines are created as scientists kill the virus causing pathogens with heat, chemicals, or sometimes radiation. In most cases, inactivated vaccines are safer and more stable than attenuated vaccines since dead bacteria and viruses can’t mutate or reproduce. The substance is able to be freeze dried for easy storage and transport. In most cases, however, inactivated vaccines are weaker than live options. It may take several boosters to maintain immunity.

Toxoid vaccines are created and used when the toxic secretions of bacteria is responsible for the disease. Scientists use formalin, a solution weak formula of sterilized water and formaldehyde, to detoxify the bacteria. The inactive toxins, known as toxoids, are considered safe as the immune system recognizes it as harmless. The body still teaches itself how to fight off the pathogen. Tetanus and diphtheria are toxoid vaccines.

Microbiological Testing
All vaccines are biological in nature. That offers a risk, regardless of how small it may be in many cases, that reproduction and control issues may occur. Pharmaceutical microbiologists and trained chemists utilize specific microbiology instruments to ensure the pathogens remain sterile and therefore fully controlled in the test samples.

In order to be licensed for use, ALL vaccines must undergo rigorous testing and be sterilized before being administered. This includes a lot of paperwork and bickering from disagreeing scholars, performance studies on the availability and efficacy of mass treatment, and human trials. The testing procedures alone may take years. Once the vaccine is approved for treatment, it’s sent in for rapid microbiological testing. In all cases, vaccines must obtain the nod of approval through
microbiological quality assurance before they ever see a doctor’s office.

Controversy continues as more and more parents and concerned loved ones pour their hearts out to governmental workers and politicians in regards to vaccine side effects and contracted diseases. There are some viable concerns regarding the reactions some people have to vaccinations. 1 in 10,000 – 250,000 individuals may come down with a serious reaction to a specific vaccine. Considering the amount of individuals on this planet, that’s not a small number of people affected by the pathogens and additives used in the preparation.

Mercury was one of the noted additives used until 2004. Aluminum is still used today. All metals are dangerous for bodily consumption. Does that mean that everyone who gets vaccinated is at risk of harmful side effects? Not necessarily. But some people do have weaker resistance. Reversing the issues with proper nutrition can help in many cases. Yes, that sounds ridiculously simple, but it’s a scientifically proven strategy for removing toxins without medication.

Overall, the pros far outweigh the cons on the vaccine debate. Many of the previous disease concerns addressed by vaccinations are no longer an issue in America, but every so often an outbreak occurs. 2001-2014 has shown a 20 year high in measles cases due to unvaccinated children. While every citizen has the right to choose, every child also has the right to a happy and healthy childhood. Before closing the door on household vaccinations, really weigh the pros and cons of your potentially terminal decision.
Contact Biolumix to learn more about rapid microbial methods for vaccines.

3928 Varsity Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: (734) 984-3100
Fax: 734-222-1830

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