Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Difference Between Healthy Candida and Candida Overgrowth

When most people hear the word Candida, they think of itching, headaches, depression and overall ill health. While Candida does deserve some of the bad reputation it gets, lately some of the reports about Candida are completely baseless and totally false. It has caused the public to believe a lot of incorrect information and to take precautions that are completely unnecessary. People have gone on "yeast free diets" to detoxify their bodies of candida.

A fact that may surprise many people is that all of us have Candida. Candida is present in the intestine of every healthy human being. Candidiasis is a condition that often occurs after antibiotics have been used to get rid of a bacterial infection. It may also occur if the person’s immune system has been compromised, prime examples being infection from diseases such as AIDS and cancer. It may also occur if the person has any form of critical illness.

Candida has been blamed for gas and bloating, this is impossible because yeast makes carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide is quickly diffused into the bloodstream and promptly exhaled by the lungs. It doesn’t matter how much candida is in your colon it cannot possibly make you bloated or cause gas. Carbon dioxide does not stay in your colon long enough to make you flatulent. If you have a lot of gas it is probably due to an excess of bacteria.

If you are having chronic yeast infections cutting products made with yeast from your diet will not stop the infection, this is because the Fungi Kingdom has over 1,500 different species. Yeast is used in so many products that one specific type used in yogurt, bread, beer or anything else you eat could not and will not be single handedly responsible for continued infection.

There are websites that claim that a person can get Candida overgrowth; these claims are completely false. They may also claim that Candida can come through the walls of the gut and enter the bloodstream causing headaches, depression and also affect the systems of the body. It is impossible for Candida to penetrate the walls of the gut unless it has been damaged or punctured, unless significant trauma occurs fungi cannot travel through the blood.

So if your health care practitioner diagnoses Candida overgrowth and does tests that confirm this, it may be that you were environmentally exposed and your immune system developed antibodies. If stool tests find candida in your colon, this is not unusual. Since no normal amount has been established for the presence of candida in the gut then there can be no official abnormal amount.

Microbiological testing is the public's guarantee that the products they are consuming or using have been evaluated for safety while they are in the process of being made and after they have finished the manufacturing process. Yeast and mold can be dangerous to people and animals and must be detected before products are placed on the market. Microbiology quality assurance tests using high-tech microbiological instruments are necessary for yeast and mold detection because these organisms are capable of deteriorating the product being produced and must be detected and eliminated for quality control. These tests need not take days to complete as there are now rapid detection systems that can detect yeast and mold quickly. This makes quality assurance testing easy and accurate.

Contact Biolumix to learn more about microbiology quality assurance for yeast, mold, and other organisms.

3928 Varsity Dr.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Phone: (734) 984-3100
Fax: 734-222-1830