Thursday, February 27, 2014

Cooking Chicken? Safeguard Against Salmonella

A recent outbreak of salmonella linked to Foster Farms chicken, discovered in October, has resulted in more than 300 people becoming ill across the country. This alarming incident has spurred calls for people to be extra careful when handling and preparing the raw chicken they purchase in order to minimize the risk of infection.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Difference Between Healthy Candida and Candida Overgrowth

When most people hear the word Candida, they think of itching, headaches, depression and overall ill health. While Candida does deserve some of the bad reputation it gets, lately some of the reports about Candida are completely baseless and totally false. It has caused the public to believe a lot of incorrect information and to take precautions that are completely unnecessary. People have gone on "yeast free diets" to detoxify their bodies of candida.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Do Antibacterial Soaps Do More Harm Than Good?

Many hand soaps, body soaps, dishwashing liquids, kitchen cleaners, and other soaps claim to be antibacterial, i.e. capable of killing the bacteria on the surfaces they touch. However, these claims may be called into question if a new rule proposed by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is officially implemented.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Is Labeling of GMOs Accurate?

With each passing year, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are gaining prominence, so it is important to understand exactly what they are and some of the related issues. For a plant to be considered GMO, some sort of genetic engineering has to have gone into its husbandry; the most common crops linked to this label are canola, corn, cotton and soybeans. The most frequent modification produces a resistance to the toxic effects of herbicide. The purpose of this is to help farmers produce more crops with less work. In 2006, 102 million hectares included genetically modified crops worldwide, and the number has only grown since. The United States has recently approached 60 million hectares.